Most Popular Tech Stacks of 2024 admin May 3, 2024

Most Popular Tech Stacks of 2024

Most Popular Tech Stacks in 2024

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Most Popular Tech Stacks in 2024: What You Need to Know

Technology changes and with it, the instruments and frameworks used to create software. In 2024, some tech stacks will stand out among others. It is an option when developers need more possibilities to implement a project or startups require higher efficiency and scalability. Below is an overview of the most popular tech stacks of 2024, with the most successful organizations using them. It’s relevant if you’re a developer about to learn a new tool or a startup seeking a technological foundation.

What is a tech stack?

Tech stack refers to programming languages, tools, or frameworks used by developers to create web and mobile applications. The combination is called a stack because each level of technology is built on a certain other level. In this line of thought, for technological fast-forwarding in 2024

15 Popular Tech Stacks in 2024

1. MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js

Ideal for: Web applications
Strengths: single language stack, real-time data processing, large community support.

2. MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js

Ideal for: Enterprise applications
Strengths: complete client-to-server JavaScript solution; strong MVC architecture support.

3. Flutter & Dart

Ideal for: cross-platform mobile applications
Strengths: Native performance, single codebase for iOS and Android, vibrant ecosystem.

4. Jamstack: JavaScript, APIs, and Markup

Ideal for: Static websites
Strengths: High performance, security, cheap scaling, and better developer experience.

5. Python and Django

Ideal for: Backend web applications
Strengths: Rapid development, clean and pragmatic design, strong community.

6. LAMP Stack: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP

Ideal for: Small to medium web applications
Strengths: Widely adopted, strong community, extensive compatibility.

7. Ruby on Rails

Ideal for: Web applications with complex databases
Strengths: Convention over configuration, quick development cycles, good scalability.

8.NET Core

Ideal for: Enterprise applications
Strengths: cross-platform, high performance, extensive libraries, support from Microsoft.

9. Spring Boot (Java)

Ideal for: Microservices
Strengths: Comprehensive infrastructure support, easy to test, microservices-ready.

10. Vue.js + Nuxt.js

Ideal for: Modern web and single-page applications
Strengths: Progressive framework, easy learning curve, versatility, and performance.

11. Swift for iOS

Ideal for: iOS applications
Strengths: Native support, powerful and intuitive, great performance and safety features.

12. Kotlin for Android

Ideal for: Android applications
Strengths: Interoperable with Java, concise code, great community support.

13. Serverless Stack (AWS Lambda, Azure Functions)

Ideal for: Applications with variable scalability needs
Strengths: Cost Efficient scaling, reduced server management, and quick deployments.

14. Go Microservices

Ideal for: Distributed systems
Strengths: Simple syntax, efficient concurrency management, fast execution.

15. React Native

Ideal for: cross-platform applications
Strengths: shared codebase between iOS and Android, strong community, rich ecosystem.

RemoteWyze has all these most popular tech skills and can assist you with them too. Contact us today! and get your project done with us. 

Why These Tech Stacks are Trending

  • Scalability: These tech stacks promote the effortless scaling of applications to meet the demands of a growing number of end-users.
  • Community Support: All the stacks above have relatively broad communities. With that, support is readily available, and there are many more frameworks and resources available.
  • Efficiency: All these tech stacks have appropriate tooling that ensures fast and efficient development.

Tech Stack Icons and Resources

Visual representations such as tech stack icons help developers in architecture diagrams and presentations. Examples include popular tech stacks such as JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, which have many available icons that can be used and even incorporated into the documentation and a developer’s forum.

Popular Tech Stacks for Startups

Startups especially prefer the most popular tech stacks and communities around them, as they have all possible resources available. The above-listed tech stacks are not just popular but have the best-rated systems, which is why they are the best to make web applications for fast-growing startups.

Choosing the right tech stack is necessary for any project’s success. The discussed tech stacks will be popular in 2024, and the mixture of efficiency, community support, and scalability would be a wise choice for developers and startup owners.

 At this platform, we offer information about technology solutions that are powerful for your project. Stay in touch with the most recent trends by reviewing our resources at RemoteWyze, where you can also find top solutions for your project. No matter if you want to start with a new project or already have one and need to scale it, we can provide viable suggestions that are in the body of advanced technology practices. Visit us now and select an ideal tech stack for your development!


Indeed, it is short for technology stack and refers to the various technologies that developers employ to make a web or mobile application. To be precise, for this, they select programming languages, frameworks, libraries and patterns, servers, UI/UX solutions, software, and tools that, when combined, are involved in the operation of a ready-made software product.

In 2024, the MERN stack will be the most popular stack for web development since it excels in full-stack development. MERN is considered because it is scalable, robust, and community-friendly.

For mobile development, the popular tech stacks in 2024 will remain Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS. Nevertheless, new cross-platform alternatives for Flutter, React Native, etc. are seemingly attempting to accelerate the demand for cross-platform solutions to simplify the development of various mobile platforms simultaneously through a single codebase.

This breakthrough type of technology has significantly influenced our modern tech stacks by promoting containerization through Docker, orchestration through Kubernetes and microservices, and serverless architecture for scalability, resilience, and more efficient resources. 

Certainly. Fast.AI, TensorFlow, and PyTorch currently deliver innovative AI and ML capabilities integrated into mainstream development projects that can provide predictive analytics, NLP, etc. 

Before making their choices final, companies must take into account multiple factors, including the project’s requirements, team experience, community backing, future traffic scaling, maintenance costs, and the tech stack ecosystem.

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